Sunday, May 16, 2010

Affects of The Collapse of the Soviet Union

December 1991, this month lives in history as a turning point for the entire world. It was this month, December of 1991 in which the world watched the Soviet Union collapse and separate into 15 different countries. This collapse was viewed as a victory for many people and most of the western world. The United States in particular was grateful for this as it brought it's largest enemy to it's knees. Since the end of World War II, another war hung overhead of the United States and the USSR, the cold war. The United States in particular rejoiced when the USSR collapsed because it meant the end of the cold war. The U.S. could move on with other projects without having to worry about being attacked by the USSR. Not only did the fall of the USSR end the cold war but it also showed capitalism was better than socialism. Democracy took lead over totalitarianism. Not only did it show the world this but it also lead to complete reforms in political, economic and military alliances.

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